Groundradar completes challenging project within a 32 km-long tunnel in Lesotho

Groundradar was tasked with conducting a tunnel lining investigation in the mountains of Lesotho.  A custom radar system was used with air-launched antennas at multiple radials around the tunnel, all mounted to a vehicle.  The data were collected in five runs along the 32 km length of the tunnel and subsequently processed to reveal variations in the tunnel lining thickness, possible void locations and the presence and location of rebar within the

1 GHz air-launched GPR antenna used for tunnel lining survey


Unusual Tanzanian laterite deposits explored using UltraGPR

Groundradar was recently contracted by an Indian exploration company to examine a series of small nickel laterite deposits in central Tanzania using UltraGPR.  The deposits have been known for decades, but had not been extensively explored except for the artisanal mining of chrysoprase.

Groundradar at PDAC 2017

After 20 years in attendance, the PDAC continues to be a highlight in Groundradar’s annual conference calendar.  In conjunction with a paper at the KEGS Innovation in Geophysics Forum which garnered interest in new radar technologies, the Groundradar booth was well attended by existing clients as well as new partners.

GPR workshop in Jakarta, Indonesia on Feb 17th

Dr. Francke in cooperation with Danmar ExplorIndo, will be conducting a workshop on mineral exploration applications of long-range GPR at the Hotel Kristal, Cilandak, Jakarta, on the afternoon of Feb 17th, 2017.  The workshop will focus on typical Indonesian applications for GPR, including nickel laterite and bauxite exploration, aggregate and limestone investigations, as well as geotechnical applications such as slope stability and depth to bedrock studies.

Visit Groundradar at the PDAC

Groundradar Inc will be at Booth 702 at the PDAC for the tenth consecutive year.  Visit the booth for the latest news on long-range GPR applications worldwide.pdac-2017-logo-small